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When you first enter the chandelier-lit museum lobby, you can see the space remains a beautiful showcase of the precise architecture of The Brett Building, a building that has been a staple in Altoona since the 1920s. In a downtown revitalization project, the building was reimagined as an art museum using the history of the building and its original use as inspiration for the gallery designs.

Otis Visual Media
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Permanent Collection


The incredibly distinctive George A. and Herbert T. Wolf Gallery was designed to invoke the feeling of rail travel with a similar shape and feel, where the artwork acts as the railcar windows. This important design element pays homage to the photography collection of William H. Rau, who was a commercial photographer for the Pennsylvania Railroad in the 1800s.


The Shirley and Fred A. Pechter Gallery and Paul I. Detwiler Education Center are unique in their ability to transform with each installation. The long ramp down to Detwiler allows artwork to be shown in the more traditional museum sense and the open-floor concept of the rest of the gallery is the multi-purpose area. This has been used for some of the favorite community-participation driven workshops for children and adults that take place year-round. 


Becoming accustomed with the floor plan in advance of your visit will help you find your way around the museum.  The museum is accessible to everybody! Download floor plan here.


For overnight lodging and other things to do in Altoona, please visit


Enjoy community outreach programs and fine art offerings with special receptions and workshops with exhibiting artists! Find more information on what's on display on the exhibitions tab and register for events below.


A volunteer group which supports SAMA by organizing innovative events, fostering community engagement, assisting with fundraising, and collaborating with staff to enhance local appreciation for the arts. Join us today!


The Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art is proud to be affiliated with the following organizations:

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American Alliance of Museums
Explore Altoona

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The Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art is financed [in part] by a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and Economic Development.


Pennsylvania non-profit corporation tax exempt as a publicly supported organization under section 501(3) and 509(a) and 170(b)(1)(a)(vi) and the Internal Revenue Code. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free within Pennsylvania (800) 731-0999.

© 2024 Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art. All rights reserved.

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